The Upper School program continues the education of students in the basic academic subjects. Utilizing varied teaching strategies, the curriculum provided is challenging, integrative, and exploratory. Students discover and understand their interests, strengths, and weaknesses thereby, developing their personalities and Christian character. Joshua Christian Academy strives for academic excellence and takes great pride in the motto: “Home of the Achievers”.
The faculty and staff of Joshua Christian Academy take pride in providing students with an environment that cultivates strong moral standards and promotes rigorous academic training. JCA offers students a variety of courses covering basic core subjects, electives and a wide range of intramurals. Each student matriculating through the middle grades is required to complete the required number of credits for the following courses: English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language, as well as required elective credits. The specific core content offerings by grade level are as follows:
9th – 12th Grades
Standard Diploma (24 Credits)
This diploma is designated for a variety of students with different academic abilities. The standard diploma prepares and may qualify a student for a variety of post-secondary opportunities (Including military careers, entry-level apprentice jobs and admission into collegiate programs with vocational/technical training areas, as well as admission to community college).
Special Education Programs
Joshua Christian Academy consistently offers a full program for specific educational needs. There are specialized programs for students with speech and language impairments. The school is equipped with speech and language therapist to accommodate the needs of students.
GPA Graduation Requirement:
A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation. *Students are encouraged to maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher if they wish to qualify for scholarships.
Each student matriculation through the high school grades is required to complete the designed number of credits for the following courses: English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language, as well as required elective credits.
Advanced Study Opportunities
Upper School students at Joshua Christian Academy can choose two different paths to take advanced courses:
- Students may follow the traditional honors track.
- Students may enroll in their choice of two Dual Enrollment programs.
- Students may pursue college credits through Florida State College at Jacksonville.
- Students may also pursue college credits at Jacksonville University through TEL Learning.
- Students in Grades 9-12 may participate in our Accelerated Eagles Program, which uses unique scheduling to allow students to complete their graduation requirements early.
Joshua Christian Academy currently has a 1:1 student to Chromebook ratio. High School students may also borrow Chromebooks and hotspots for home use.
Bible/Theology Course
The goal of the Bible/Theology courses is to challenge the students in their daily walk with the Lord. The objective of the classes will be to formulate a better understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ by memorizing God’s Word, understanding God’s work, and applying God’s Word through active involvement in church and community activities. Students are required to complete (3) courses in Bible in High School for graduation (one credit per course). The Bible courses use a curriculum published by BJU Press.
- Theology 1 students will study the story of the Old Testament, which gives students an overview of the big story of Scripture: Creation, Fall, and Redemption.
- Students in the Theology 2 course will study the life of Christ in The Gospels, which reveal the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan as promised in the Old Testament.
- Theology 3 students will study the triumph of Christ. They will explore the book of Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. They will look at the development of Christ’s church, discipleship, the Great Commission, and the return of Christ.
The high school senior exit project is a college and career readiness strategy. Students begin this culminating project in their junior year in their English 3 class. In addition to a major research paper, students are expected to complete a full portfolio of items and do a presentation to a panel of judges in their senior year or English 4 class. This is part of the requirement to pass English 4 and to graduate from Joshua Christian Academy.